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Westfield Park

Care home knitters keep canines comfy

Residents at our Westfield Park Care Home in Goole have been hard at work making blankets for a local dog rescue centre.

The weekly Knit and Natter group at the care home have made several blankets for Linbee Dog Rehoming Centre to help keep the rescue dogs warm and comfortable.

The weekly knitting club is ran across all the homes in the Yorkare group, and was setup around Christmas time to give the residents a social space where they could come together to chat and be creative.

It has proved a huge hit with the residents with some coming along to Knit, while others simply come to watch and socialise.

One residents who is part of the group, Eileen, said: “We really enjoy coming together. We started making squares then decided to make these into blankets and donate then to a local dog rescue centre because we all love dogs, and wanted to do something to help. Some people just come for the conversations and giggles, and help us decide what colour schemes to go for. We are now deciding what to do for our next project.”

The care home is eager to hear from any other charities that would benefit form their knitting.

Resident Peter Hill is one of the members who enjoys the social side of the group, and he has praised the staff at the home for all that they do. He added: “I’d like to say a big thank you to all the staff for their expectational service, it really is first class. They organise lot’s of activities for the residents and there is always lots to do.”


Rebecca the rescue dog receiving her blanket from Annie activities lead at Westfield Park Care Home
Rebecca the rescue dog receiving her blanket from Annie activities lead at Westfield Park Care Home
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