Care Guide
The Yorkare Homes Philosophy
Yorkare Homes aim to provide individual care packages that promote dignity, independence and varied support in the best environment for each client’s needs, to make this time of their life as enjoyable and safe as possible.
Below are some frequently asked questions we receive about the care provided at Yorkare Homes. Click on a question to reveal the answer below.
If the information you are looking for isn’t listed, please feel free to contact us via the contact page or give us a call on: 01482 665063.
Yorkare Homes provides Residential and Dementia care. Within each home we also provide Day Care places and Respite bedrooms where people can come in for a short period of time ranging from a week upwards, usually to give a home carer a break, for an extended rest period after a spell in hospital or simply to treat themselves to a short holiday. Each Home has Premium Suites which are specially designed for couples/siblings with their own kitchenettes, bathrooms and lounge areas. We also specialise in post-operative and palliative/end-of-life care.
Yes, we provide either a separate, solely dementia, care home or a dementia unit at each site, these are called Havens. Our aim is to provide the highest standard of care whilst following the Yorkare Homes model of dementia care in our Haven strategy and completing extensive dementia care training.
It is important that you choose a home that will be able to provide the right type of care as well as accommodating individual lifestyle needs and preferences. Before visiting make sure you review the Homes websites and their Care Quality Commission (CQC) reports ( to be certain the Home is complying with the Essential Standards of Quality and Safety.
You can visit our Homes unannounced or make an appointment. An appointment will ensure that you can speak to the Manager directly (this is important if you wish to discuss fees and funding). The home should have a copy of the CQC inspection report available as well as a Statement of Purpose, Service Users Guide and a copy of a resident’s contract. Do not hesitate to ask for copies of these documents to take home and read at your leisure. Make a list of questions, an example of some important ones should include staff ratios, training and activities. It is beneficial to know how the Home will communicate with yourself or family members, does the Home hold regular resident meetings or family forums. A lot of these questions, if you are visiting a Yorkare Homes owned Home, will be answered in this section but also on each Homes page.
If it is likely that you have insufficient capital to pay for our care homes fees, a financial assessment will be undertaken by your Local Authority before you enter a care home to see if you should receive help in paying for your care fees. The boundaries for this are listed below:
- If your capital exceeds £23,250 (England) then you will not be entitled to any funding at all and you will have to pay your own costs as a private resident.
- If your capital is between £14,250 – £23,250 (England), the local authority may pay for some of the Care Home costs. For every £250 that you have over the lower amount, the local authority will deduct £1 per week from their contribution.
- If your capital is less than £14,250 (England) the local authority will pay for Residential or Nursing Home costs to a certain level. This varies for each Local Authority.
If your Care Home of choice charges more than what the Local Authority is willing to pay you may have to contribute towards the fees in order to stay there. These are called 3rd Party Contributions, (or more commonly Top-Ups) and have to be paid for by a relative or friend and not by the resident themselves for legal reasons. It is important that you keep the care home Manager informed if your capital falls below the upper limit whilst you are in a care home so that they can help you arrange assessment for the appropriate funding.
Where someone needs continuing specialist medical treatment, the state will pay for the full cost of care; this is called ‘Continuing Health Funding’. If you think that yourself or a relative might be entitled to Continuing Health Funding you should discuss this with your GP or care home Manager. A referral for Continuing Health may be made by the Care Home on behalf of a resident if they feel that the resident’s needs have increased. An assessment of care needs will be carried out to decide whether someone is entitled to continuing care fees and if an application is turned down an appeal process is available.
If you are paying the fees privately you may keep your pensions and some benefits. If you are funded by the local authority you will be expected to use all of your income, including your pension and benefits to help fund your care except for a Personal Allowance of £21.90 (England) per week for your day to day spending money. However, if you are paid the Mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance you will continue to get this. If you are over 65 you will also be entitled to up to £5.25 per week of any savings credit.
When the Local Authority completes their financial assessment they will look at all of your assets including your home and pensions. They will only include your home if you live alone, if you have another relative that relies on the property then it will not be included in the assessment. There are specific rules regarding whether certain close relatives are able to continue to live at the home and if this is the case then please seek further advice from your Local Authority.
Additionally the Local Authority will disregard the value of your property from your financial assessment for the 12 weeks after your admission to a Care Home, as long as your stay is permanent. This is called a ‘12 week disregard’ and after this the property will be taken into consideration.
We provide monthly newsletters which will update families and friends of what the residents get up to. Hard copies available in the home and emailed out to families and friends if they wish. We also hold quarterly family forums in each home which will keep families up to date with any changes with the running of the home and provides an opportunity to ask questions to the management team.
Of course if a resident, family member or friend wished to speak to a member of the management team then that can be arranged at any time.
Yorkare Homes have always provided higher staff levels than is mandatory to be certain we always provide high standards of care alongside individual satisfaction. We adopt this philosophy not only with the care team but throughout with support to management, admin, activity, cleaning, kitchen and laundry teams. This will be noticeable if you visit our Homes or speak to any of our residents or staff.
Both care and ancillary staff are given mandatory training which includes moving and handling, infection control and COSHH, fire safety, health and safety, safeguarding adults and dementia care.
Yorkare Homes believe that our residents should have the options to lead a varied and enjoyable lifestyle. We employ Activity Coordinators who not only promote varied activities but also encourage as many of the residents as possible to go on numerous trips out.
We have planned activities for mornings, afternoons and evenings that can be enjoyed by the residents and friends who wish to come in. These include group and one on one activities, incorporating reminiscent or physical exercises to keep the mind and body stimulated alongside having some fun. Our trips out aim not only to go to the local restaurant and shopping areas but we aim to help stimulate different interests such as gardening and history as well. Our website and monthly newsletters produced by each home let friends and relatives know what the residents have got up to and what is planned for the upcoming months.
After deciding that one of our Homes is the place you would like to stay and funding is agreed, whether it is for respite or permanent residence, a member of the management team from that home will come and do a pre-assessment to make sure we can care for your needs. We take the pre-assessment in great detail to get to know you as well as possible, once this is completed and everyone is happy it is fed back to the care team so they can understand your needs from day one. If you would like a trial day/period within the home to make sure you are 100% happy before moving in, that is fine and can be arranged also. If necessary this process can be carried out in a short period of time subject to suitable vacancies.
Yes, we welcome every resident to be who they want to be safe in the knowledge they will experience no discrimination whilst in our care. We have relationship champions in our care team who are there to discuss residents feelings if they wish, to create friendships with like minded people and to look out for anybody who is unhappy or feeling lonely. We have complete LGBT awareness training for our care team.
This information can be found on our Privacy Notice by clicking here
We are involved members of NASHICS, the National Association for Safety and Health in Care Services, which promotes safety and health in care by providing forums to encourage the development and adoption of the highest professional standards. These forums highlight important areas we should be focusing on to help us make sure that the residents environment is as safe as possible for them to lead a comfortable and enjoyable life.
We strongly believe that those living in our Homes should lead an active and varied lifestyle and this is shown by viewing the news sections. Our membership with NAPA (National Association of Provision of Activities for the elderly) provides forums and advice on making sure activity is at the heart of the residents’ daily lifestyles.
Go to the Careers page and click on the Care Home or the role you are interested in applying for. This will then provide a list of opportunities that match your search. Click on the job title to read more about the job description and to apply online. If you wish to complete a paper copy of the application form please pop into the Home and the receptionist staff can provide you with one or alternatively call the Home for a form to be posted out. If there isnt a current opportunity for a role/home you wish to work at you could complete an application form and be kept on file until a suitable position becomes available.
Privacy Notice
Electronic Palliative Care Co-ordination System (EPaCCS) in Humber, Coast and Vale
Why we need to process your personal data? | Patients who are at the end of life come into contact with many health and care professionals. The challenge has been in enabling different care providers to share information about an individual patient’s care and end-of-life preferences in a safe, up-to-date and efficient way.
Treatment choices, how and where care is delivered and the preferred place of death are at the heart of end-of-life care. Patient choices are not static and often change during the last weeks and months of life. Typically, preferences for end-of-life care are collected by GPs and inputted into their GP system. However, this may not always reflect the latest wishes of the patient and may not be available to all of a patient’s health and care providers.
EPaCCS enables the recording and sharing of a patient’s care preferences and key details about their care at the end-of-life. As it is electronic it can easily be shared 24/7 between all of the clinicians and carers involved in the patient’s care across organisational and geographical boundaries.
An EPaCCS record can be created, updated and shared by any member of a patient’s health and care team, subject to locally-determined pathway and user administration settings. The EPaCCS record is a summary record, intended to provide an easily accessible view of the information that carers need in an end-of-life setting.
We process personal information because it is necessary to comply with our legal obligations and perform our public duty. |
Data Controllers | Yorkare Homes Ltd with other health and social care organisations involved in delivering end-of-life care to patients are Data Controllers in Common for the purpose of using the shared EPaCCS system.
To find out more about EPaCCS and how it supports end-of-life care in Humber, Coast and Vale go to:
If you have any queries please contact: |
How do we collect information about you? | Personal information relating to you will be received from a number of areas. Some of the information about your medical history, such as medications and conditions, will come from your GP record. Information about your preferences for how and where you receive care at the end-of-life will be provided by you when you share this information with the different health and care professionals who care for you.
We only collect the personal information necessary about you in order to help us deliver the right service or meet legal obligations. |
What information will we share about you?
We will share information about you that will help the health and care professionals who provide your care make the best decisions about your treatment and ensure that your preferences and wishes are respected.
This includes: your demographic details (name, contact details, NHS number, gender), your medications, diagnoses and problems, CPR decision, preferred placed of care and preferred place of death. |
How do we use your information? | Your information will be used to ensure that the health and care providers that care for you have the information they need to provide the best care for you and to ensure that your wishes and preferences at the end-of-life are known, shared and respected. |
Who will we share your personal information with? | The information within EPaCCS will only be shared with health and care professionals that are directly involved in delivering your care. These organisations include: GP practices, hospitals, hospices, care homes, Out-of-Hours services, NHS 111, community service providers and social care providers. |
What is the reason for processing your personal information? | As health and social care providers we have determined that the appropriate legal justification upon which this information can be shared for the purposes of the EPaCCS end-of-life shared care record is the delivery of direct care. This is in line with the recommendations of Caldicott Reviews of 1997, 2013, the provisions of the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR).
The applicable articles in GDPR are: • Article 6 (1)(e) – “processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller;” • Article 9 (2)(H) – “processing is necessary for the purposes of preventive or occupational medicine, for the assessment of the working capacity of the employee, medical diagnosis, the provision of health or social care or treatment or the management of health or social care systems and services on the basis of Union or Member State law or pursuant to contract with a health professional and subject to the conditions and safeguards referred to in paragraph 3” |
How long will we keep your personal information for? | We will only keep your personal information for as long as we need to, so we can give you the service you need, unless we must keep it for legal reasons. You have the right to remove your approval for us processing your end-of-life preferences at any time.
It will only be held for the periods stated in our records management policy and retention schedule, after which it will be securely destroyed. |
What are my rights in relation to my personal information?
You have the right to:
· ask to see the personal information we hold about you; · ask us to change it if it is wrong; · ask us to delete the information we hold about you; · ask us to limit the way we use your personal information; · have your information transferred to another Authority; · complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.
You can withdraw your approval for the processing of your personal information and sharing of your end-of-life preferences at any time. |
Who can I complain to? | You have the right to submit a complaint if you are unhappy with the way your information is handled or disagree with a decision made by us regarding your information.
In the first instance, please contact the service you are dealing with to try to resolve the matter.
If you remain unhappy with the outcome you receive, you may wish to contact the Information Commissioner for an independent review. |
Contact details for our Data Protection Officer | Name: Debi Charlesworth
Telephone: 01482 665063