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Making our Resident’s wishes come true! Together We Can……….Publish Your Book

Meet Valerie, our resident from our Beverley Parklands Care Home (Beverley)
Valerie wrote a book that she could read to her Children and Grandchildren named ‘Ellis The Dragon’ a very special story close to her heart.
The book had been handwritten and kept in a little folder for many years.

As part of our ‘Together We Can’ initiative for 2023, across our group of Care homes, we have looked to help our residents achieve things they didn’t think were possible. 

When the team at our Beverley Care Home, heard about the book, they approached Valerie’s husband to get a copy, and as a surprise for Valerie and her family, had the book officially published for her.

Valerie was presented with her published book on Friday, and copies are available to purchase from the reception at the Home.

Valerie added “This is a dream come true, I have read this story to both my children and grandchildren over the years and has become a family favourite. I can now share it with more children and families for many more years to come, I never in a million years ever thought that this could be a real book, thank you all so much”.

A proud moment (Pictured) Valarie and her husband Peter

Firefighters visit Sleaford Manor

Sleaford Manor Care Home enjoyed a visit from the wonderful local firefights from Sleaford Fire Station last week. Residents and staff had the opportunity to share stories with the fire fighters, reminiscing over warm drinks and cake before trying on their heavy protection gear and helmets and sitting in the drivers seat of the fire…

Timeless Treat with Betty’s Tearoom

THRIVE 25 is our company-wide initiative dedicated to supporting, encouraging, and making meaningful progress with our incredible residents. Residents are able to share their wishes & desires with our activity teams who then help to make them a reality Val and her husband used to visit Bettys every Saturday, where they’d share a warm drink…