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Magdalen Park

Work to begin on new care home at Hedon

Yorkare Homes are proud to announce work is to begin on a state of the art £4.15 million, 54 bed, care home in Hedon, East Yorkshire on the 1st of July. Pacy and Wheatley Construction, specialist healthcare builders based in Doncaster, have been appointed as the main contractor. The home will create up to 100 jobs in the local community and provide a boost of income to local suppliers and businesses also.

The care home will provide nursing, residential and specialist dementia care in separate units designed for each care need. There are also 5 assisted living apartments specially designed for couples or siblings with their own kitchenettes and living areas, but these can be used individually also. The home will include a sensory 'street scene' including a shop, hair and beauty salon and a pub. The gardens will be landscaped and will include an artificial bowling green and allotments. Other facilities include a rehabilitation gym, a library, cinema area, sensory garden and rooftop garden.

Laurence Garton, Yorkare Homes development director, said: "We are very pleased to start building work. The demographics of an ageing population and the changing nature of the care of older people mean there is a significant and continuing demand for modern facilities. We believe a family business such as ours is well-suited to providing the sort of care where a warm, friendly atmosphere is so crucial."

Firefighters visit Sleaford Manor

Sleaford Manor Care Home enjoyed a visit from the wonderful local firefights from Sleaford Fire Station last week. Residents and staff had the opportunity to share stories with the fire fighters, reminiscing over warm drinks and cake before trying on their heavy protection gear and helmets and sitting in the drivers seat of the fire…

Timeless Treat with Betty’s Tearoom

THRIVE 25 is our company-wide initiative dedicated to supporting, encouraging, and making meaningful progress with our incredible residents. Residents are able to share their wishes & desires with our activity teams who then help to make them a reality Val and her husband used to visit Bettys every Saturday, where they’d share a warm drink…