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Magdalen Park

Christmas at Magdalen Park!

The residents enjoyed our first Christmas in their new home! There was a great atmosphere with alot of Christmas Dinners taking place in the Magdalen Arms. Unfortunately the week before Christmas the Christmas Fayre had to be cancelled and the 'Better Late Than Never Christmas Fayre!' was held on February 8th. A great time was had by all and more than £500 was raised for the residents fund which helps contribute towards trips out and entertainers coming in. A special mention for Steph, our new activities coordinator, who put on a great day!

The lovely pictures below of some of our residents and their families, were taken over Christmas by Kim, one of our nurses who is also a budding photographer!

Steph has asked if anybody who wishes to volunteer at Magdalen Park that they give her a call on 01482 700733 – people can volunteer for a number of things such as playing the piano in the pub, helping in the allotment or simply coming down for a natter. Any help is much appreciated!

Firefighters visit Sleaford Manor

Sleaford Manor Care Home enjoyed a visit from the wonderful local firefights from Sleaford Fire Station last week. Residents and staff had the opportunity to share stories with the fire fighters, reminiscing over warm drinks and cake before trying on their heavy protection gear and helmets and sitting in the drivers seat of the fire…

Timeless Treat with Betty’s Tearoom

THRIVE 25 is our company-wide initiative dedicated to supporting, encouraging, and making meaningful progress with our incredible residents. Residents are able to share their wishes & desires with our activity teams who then help to make them a reality Val and her husband used to visit Bettys every Saturday, where they’d share a warm drink…