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Magdalen Park

Easter Fun!

There was lots of Easter fun spread out over a couple of weekends at Magdalen. The Easter Fayre was held on the 19th March which included a craft stall on which many of the residents had made items to sell while there was also a raffle, tombola and entertainment from singer Steve.

On Easter Saturday we had a family fun afternoon where there was a mini raffle, children’s Easter egg hunt and a spin the wheel game. Luckily the rain held off while we were doing the Easter egg hunt!

Our activities co-ordinator Steph dressed up as the Easter bunny on Sunday, complete with face paint, to give out presents to all of the Residents. As you can see from the pictures below, this was loved by all the Residents! The staff and Residents then made Easter bonnets in the afternoon, ready for the competition being held the next day.

The local Mayor and Mayoress of Hedon came to the home on Easter Monday to judge the Easter bonnet competition. Pat Hostick, who made her bonnet with the help of Anne Marie, won the overall competition with Joyce Bentley in second place and Margaret Lawson in third. Well done to everyone who entered the competition, there were some fantastic bonnets on show!

We would like to thank everyone who took part in the events over the Easter period as we raised a fantastic £427.19 which will go into the Residents’ Fund for further entertainment and trips.

Yorkare Remembers

At Yorkare Homes we are proud to support our residents in commemorating the contribution of British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women involved in the two world wars and later conflicts. Over the last couple of weeks our residents and teams from across several of our homes and head office have been out…

Northern Ballet visit to Horsforth Manor

Horsforth Manor were so lucky to be asked by The Northern Ballet if they could come and do a workshop with their residents and of course they welcomed them with open arms. Many of their residents love the ballet so this welcomed a huge turn out, the Mathieson Lounge was full! Everyone was engaged, smiling…