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Magdalen Park


Staff at Magdalen Park recently held a Bikeathon to raise money for the residents fund. Staff pedalled away for a total of 9 hours nonstop in the reception area and were encouraged to keep going by residents and visitors. Kevin one of our seniors from our Haven unit gave himself a personal challenge of cycling for 8 hours and completed 160km on his own bike trainer. Our activity coordinator Steph Ashton and her team which included Charlotte from reception, Kerry from the onsite hairdressers , Laura our residential lead and two of our seniors Abbie and Laura cycled on an exercise bike for 6 ½ hours with Steph putting in 5 hours of pedalling and, altogether they completed 160km.  Overall £827 was raised for Magdalen Parks residents fund. A big thankyou to everyone who supported us on the day and a special to Shirley , Toms wife who bought a large cream cake for the cyclists to share. 

Random Acts of Kindness Day 2025

Did you know that every year on February 17th it’s Random Acts of Kindness Day? This year across our homes we couldn’t be happier to celebrate it once again. We’ve shared kindness in so many ways – from heartfelt flowers and compliments to gifts for a local church that graciously provides regular services for our…

Valentines Day Across Our Homes

Love, laughter and a splash of red and pink filled our homes today as residents, staff, and families celebrated Valentine’s Day in the most wonderful ways! From beautiful decorations, sweet treats, and flower arranging to arts and crafts, entertainment, and Beverley Parklands Care Home even having their very own Queen of Hearts – the day…