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Magdalen Park

Care Home Games – May 2017

The residents of Magdalen Park have recently competed in the regional finals of the Care Home Games at Withernsea Leisure Centre. The team consisted of Anne, Alan, Edith and Sue with Charlie and Margaret supporting us. In preparation for the event, the residents made their own name badges and decided on the dress code the team should wear; they also practised every Friday morning and worked hard to improve their game. Unfortunately on the day they did not get through to the next round of games. Steph Ashton activity coordinator said, “I’m really proud of how well our residents played, they represented the home well and we had a great afternoon at the games”. 

Beverley Christmas Tree Festival 2024

Yorkare Homes are beyond delighted to have another tree at the Beverley Minster Christmas Tree Festival again this year! A whopping 150 fir trees are on display, each decorated in their own unique style by the charity, school or organisation sponsoring it. Inspire ‘24 making dreams a reality! As part of the Yorkare Homes company…

Yorkare Remembers

At Yorkare Homes we are proud to support our residents in commemorating the contribution of British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women involved in the two world wars and later conflicts. Over the last couple of weeks our residents and teams from across several of our homes and head office have been out…