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Magdalen Park

‘Eggcellent’ Easter Weekend at Magdalen

Everyone at Magdalen Park has enjoyed a fun filled Easter. Activities included, a special Easter themed playgroup, hot cross bun tasting and an Easter bonnet competition judged by Hedon mayor. We had some help preparing for our Easter bonnets and where joined by Hedon kids club. 

On Easter Saturday we held an Easter family fun afternoon and where joined by family and friends. Despite the weather we held our Easter egg hunt and egg and spoon races inside the home.

On Easter Sunday everyone received an Easter egg and was whished happy Easter. We finished our Easter celebrations off with entering the local flower arranging competition at Roos show. The flower arranging group did well with Edith winning a 1st prize and 3rd prize and Arthur winning a 3rd prize for his first ever go at flower arranging. Steph who teaches the group also won her classes. Well done to everyone who entered. 

Massive Achievement for our Horsforth Manor Care Home recognised as a TOP 20 Care Home 2025

We are incredibly proud to announce that our Horsforth Manor Care Home has been recognised as one of the TOP 20 Care Homes in Yorkshire and the Humber in the Care Home Awards 2025 by carehome.co.uk This recognition is extra special as it’s based on genuine reviews from our residents, their families, and friends. It’s…

Celebrating National Pet Lovers Day Across Our Care Homes!

Today, our care homes were filled with even more love, laughter, and wagging tails as we celebrated National Pet Lovers Day!From fun games like “Whose Pet Is This?” to special visits from our furry friends, reminiscence of pets we’ve had, our teams came together to share their love for pets. Pets are a huge part…