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Goole Academy Band

Goole Academy Band Visit

On Friday 13th July we were able to enjoy a performance from students at Goole Academy, accompanied by their teacher Miss Gage.

As part of their Music coursework the students had put together a band and had been practising their songs since March ready for their first performance in front of an audience. Even though the performance took place before lunch, the lounge was full of residents looking forward to hear them play.

The performance was a great success with the residents joining in with some of the songs. Afterwards refreshments were served and the students had a chance to mingle.  One of our lady residents entertained them by reciting poems and telling stories she had made up herself, making her a big hit with the students.

They have asked if they can return in the Autumn when they have had chance to practice some new songs.

Beverley Christmas Tree Festival 2024

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