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Magdalen Park

Hedon Community Events

Recently, staff and residents at Magdalen have enjoyed taking part in community events in the area. These have included Open Gardens, the Scarecrow Competition, Hedfest and Roos Summer Show. 

Open Gardens and Scarecrow Competition

We enjoy inviting visitors into our home and Hedon Open Gardens is a perfect opportunity for this. We welcomed the visitors, showed them around our beautiful gardens and offered everyone a drink. During this time, we also held a raffle and tombola and raised £205 for the residents fund!

This year, we decided to go with an Alice in Wonderland theme for our scarecrows. Everyone enjoyed making them and we were pleased with the results. Our hard work paid off and we received 1st place for our scarecrows, for the second year running! Well done to all those involved.


Hedfest Parade

We were invited to take part in Hedfest again this year. We chose a 'Top Gun' theme and had great fun turning the wheelchairs into fighter jets! Family, friends, residents and staff took part in the parade, and enjoyed walking round Hedon in the sun. 


Roos Show

Our flower arranging group took part in Roos Summer Show again this year. Well done to everyone who entered and to Jean and Dorothy, who both won prizes in their flower arranging category. 

The gardening club have enjoyed growing flowers and vegetables this year. As we had such a wide range of good quality vegetables and flowers, we entered these in the show for the first time. We had several winning entries in these classes, including 7 pods of peas, 1 head of broccoli and 6 dahlias. Well done to everyone who helped out in the gardens.

Massive Achievement for our Horsforth Manor Care Home recognised as a TOP 20 Care Home 2025

We are incredibly proud to announce that our Horsforth Manor Care Home has been recognised as one of the TOP 20 Care Homes in Yorkshire and the Humber in the Care Home Awards 2025 by carehome.co.uk This recognition is extra special as it’s based on genuine reviews from our residents, their families, and friends. It’s…

Celebrating National Pet Lovers Day Across Our Care Homes!

Today, our care homes were filled with even more love, laughter, and wagging tails as we celebrated National Pet Lovers Day!From fun games like “Whose Pet Is This?” to special visits from our furry friends, reminiscence of pets we’ve had, our teams came together to share their love for pets. Pets are a huge part…