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Big smiles for Christmas as care homes are given the approval to end the mask-wearing rule for caregivers

Wearing masks in care homes will no longer be mandatory as Britain continues to live with Covid.

The new rules will see homes given autonomy over when masks should be worn, and outbreak measures deployed, with individual risk assessments. The new guidance makes clear they should only be worn when necessary.

The darkest days of the pandemic are thankfully behind us, and for most people, Covid restrictions are a memory and life is back to normal – but not for those in care homes or being cared for at home.

For them, many of the people they see are still wearing masks, it’s a barrier to communication, and it gets in the way of a smile that could brighten the day.

Masks make it hard to understand what people are saying, and for people with hearing impairments, makes it impossible to lip-read.

Well, that’s now about to change, wearing masks in care homes will no longer be mandatory, the new guidance makes clear they should only be worn when necessary.

I know the staff will welcome the chance to – once again – to give the people they care for a simple but precious thing, a smile!

Timeless Treat with Betty’s Tearoom

THRIVE 25 is our company-wide initiative dedicated to supporting, encouraging, and making meaningful progress with our incredible residents. Residents are able to share their wishes & desires with our activity teams who then help to make them a reality Val and her husband used to visit Bettys every Saturday, where they’d share a warm drink…

Massive Achievement for our Horsforth Manor Care Home recognised as a TOP 20 Care Home 2025

We are incredibly proud to announce that our Horsforth Manor Care Home has been recognised as one of the TOP 20 Care Homes in Yorkshire and the Humber in the Care Home Awards 2025 by carehome.co.uk This recognition is extra special as it’s based on genuine reviews from our residents, their families, and friends. It’s…