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Westfield Park

New £3.5 million Care Home in Goole nearing completion

Building work is nearing completion to create a new £3.5 million Nursing Home at Westfield Park which will see the current home become a solely dedicated dementia care home.

The new home will have 52 large single bedrooms and 6 premier suites (which have their own kitchenettes and lounge areas, and have been specially designed for couples/siblings but can be used individually also). All the rooms will have full en-suite wet rooms. The new facilities at the home will include: a full beauty salon, large activities room, an artificial outdoor bowls pitch, an in-house pub, cafe, gym, shop and a cinema room. These facilities will be available for residents of both homes to enjoy.

Improvements to the original home will create a more dementia friendly environment with the use of dementia signage, sensory gardens and themed wings.

An open day for both homes will be organised closer to the planned opening date, which builders Would Group of Grimsby state is Autumn 2012.

Exciting times ahead so keep checking the website for more news and pictures!

Random Acts of Kindness Day 2025

Did you know that every year on February 17th it’s Random Acts of Kindness Day? This year across our homes we couldn’t be happier to celebrate it once again. We’ve shared kindness in so many ways – from heartfelt flowers and compliments to gifts for a local church that graciously provides regular services for our…

Valentines Day Across Our Homes

Love, laughter and a splash of red and pink filled our homes today as residents, staff, and families celebrated Valentine’s Day in the most wonderful ways! From beautiful decorations, sweet treats, and flower arranging to arts and crafts, entertainment, and Beverley Parklands Care Home even having their very own Queen of Hearts – the day…