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Lindsey Hall

Outstanding CQC Rating

CQC monitor, inspect and regulate services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety. Upon their recent inspection of Lindsey Hall, their report shows the home achieved Outstanding in 3 out of the 5 areas inspected. These were for Caring, Effective And Well Led. Placing us in the top 1% of care homes to have achieved an Outstanding rating.

Upon hearing the news we gathered all our staff and residents for the big announcement, here is what some of them had to say:

Mary, resident, when asked what she thought ‘Well haven’t they done well. Its brilliant and the staff fully deserve it.

Joanne Taylor, Manager, ‘I am so pleased the home received the rating it deserves. The staff work so hard to try and deliver the highest quality care they can. It’s a fantastic service to manage.

Claire Allison, Dementia Care Manager, ‘We were all delighted when we found out. The environment here at Lindsey Hall is wonderful and I’m glad this report shows the care is also at the highest level. We will be arranging a joint celebration for both staff and residents soon.

Jonathan Garton, Yorkare Homes Operations Director, said ‘We are extremely pleased with achieving the top rating of Outstanding by CQC. With less than 1% of care homes receiving it nationally it shows the high level of care and commitment the staff provide our residents. Congratulations to them all.

Congratulations Lindsey Hall!!

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