On Friday 16th June for Care Home Open Day we held our cupcake sale in support of the Alzheimer’s society. There was a great turnout and the highlight of the open day was when 3 brave members of staff (Danni, Vicky and Jane) opted to shave their heads for this fantastic cause.
There was a vast array of cakes and cupcakes both made by the Lindsey Hall kitchen team and also kindly donated by residents' families and friends.
We raised a fantastic £67 on cakes and name cards, £225.50 on the online page and another £247 on a paper sponsor form. Thank you to those who supported us by donating cupcakes, money and in regards to the three staff – bravely shaving their heads to support the Alzheimer’s Society. If you would like to make a donation, please visit our justgiving page: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/lindseyhallcupcakeday