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Random Acts of Kindness National Day

#RAOK Random Acts of Kindness National Day 2022

Sometimes it’s the smallest acts that makes the biggest impact – something as simple as saying thank you can a turn a day around!

“We wanted to throw kindness around like it’s confetti!”
To celebrate each other, located around each care home across the full group in nurses’ stations, staff areas/kitchen are ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ Notice Boards, accompanied by little postcards.

We continue to encourage everyone, however big or small the compliment maybe, write a little note to someone at any time to say #Thankyou and pin/stick to the notice board as a reminder every day that we are all amazing!

Our notice boards and cards will now be in position all year – not just on the National Day! As we want to continue to celebrate each other and say thanks.

This is part of our HAPPINESS Pledge for our YORKARE 3 PEAKS 2022 #Health #Happiness #Wellbeing

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