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Magdalen Park

Recent make a wish trip and victory in Ross show!

Three residents had their wish come true last week with a trip to the seaside. Activities Co-Ordinator Steph Ashton, organised a trip to Bridlington for a number of residents after Sylvia and Edna said they wanted to go to the seaside for the day. Deciding which beach to visit was an easy choice once Charlie said he wanted to watch the boats and visit a café he used to go to with his wife where they always made him a special breakfast. After a little walk along the promenade reminiscing about previous trips to the seaside the day was finished off with an ice-cream in the sun.

In other news there are a number of green fingered residents within the home who have won prizes at the recent Ross show! Margaret’s cucumbers have become legendary within the home and she won 1st prize with them for the second year in a row. Sylvia won 3rd prize with her posy and Sue won 2nd prize with her arrangement in a stemmed wine glass. Not wanting to be outdone, Steph also won with her flower arrangement entry. The Magdalen Chickens’ eggs were entered for the first time and won…. so we now have award chickens which people can visit when they come to the home! Magdalen Park flower arranging club meets on the last Wednesday of every month at 1.30 and everyone is welcome!

Yorkare Remembers

At Yorkare Homes we are proud to support our residents in commemorating the contribution of British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women involved in the two world wars and later conflicts. Over the last couple of weeks our residents and teams from across several of our homes and head office have been out…

Northern Ballet visit to Horsforth Manor

Horsforth Manor were so lucky to be asked by The Northern Ballet if they could come and do a workshop with their residents and of course they welcomed them with open arms. Many of their residents love the ballet so this welcomed a huge turn out, the Mathieson Lounge was full! Everyone was engaged, smiling…