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Magdalen Park

Sports Day

Magdalen Park held their annual sports day recently.

In the morning a special sports event was held for our very own playgroup, the play group runs every Wednesday morning 10.30am until 11.30am and everyone is welcome.

The children took part in a variety of traditional races which included the Egg and Spoon Race, Running and Backwards Running and were cheered on by the residents and staff. The children ranged from 6 weeks to 6 years, and they all had fun taking part in the games in whatever way they could. All the children received a medal and finished by cooling off in the paddling pool, which they all enjoyed.

In the afternoon it was the turn of the resident’s and staff.  Staff kicked off with the three-legged race which had everyone laughing at the ridiculously funny attempts.

Next if was the turn of the residents, they took part in races which included the Egg and Spoon race, a Relay race and then finished with everyone’s favourite game, Toilet Paper Mummies!

Medals were awarded to all participants and everyone then cooled down with a well-earned ice cream.

A great day was had by all and everyone is looking forward to next year’s games.

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