A fun-filled and festive event which saw staff dress up as the likes of Dolly Parton, Kenny Rodgers, Cliff Richard, Elvis and The Village People was held at our Tranby Park care home in Hessle for residents to enjoy.
On Friday afternoon, residents at the Tranby Park Care Home, Heads Lane, were treated to the ‘Stars in Staff’s Eyes’ show, with carers performing a variety of hits by some of the residents’ most loved singers.
The event also included a special presentation for The Care Awards, which recognises the achievements of staff members within the care home, which is one of 11 in the region to be run by the Yorkcare Group.
Activity Lead Jayne Jessop told Hull Live: “It was a fantastic afternoon our residents really enjoyed it.” The winners were as follows:
Best Residential Care Team Member – Gemma Duncan. Best Budding Star – Scarlett Balmer. Best Night Staff Care Team Member – Nikki Platten. Best Ancillary Team Member – Sue Morris. Best brew maker – Alisha Platten. Best smiler – Farrah Zlaoui. Best singer – Lee Snow. Tranby Park Jester – Kev Barley.
Take a look at the festive fun had at the ‘Stars in Staff’s Eyes’ event at the Tranby Park Care Home in our gallery below.