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Yorkare Homes boosts wages to support their employees with the cost-of-living crisis

Yorkare Homes, an outstanding care home group with care homes across Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, have stepped in to support all their employees with a 5% increase in pay over the autumn and winter months.

As the cost of living crisis continues to deepen, with inflation hitting 9.4% in June and the energy price cap predicted to rise again in October, Yorkare Homes decided to bring their annual pay reviews forward by 8 months and increased all pay rates across the board by 5%. This additional money will result in more than an additional £600 for each full-time member of the team and will support over 700 people who work for the care provider.

This unexpected wage increase has been a real boost for the team. Keri, a Senior Care Assistant, from one of the Care Homes in the group added; “Caring sometimes doesn’t get the recognition it deserves, so it is fantastic to work for an employer who recognises the hard work of their staff, and looks for ways to support us in times of crisis. This increase came as a complete surprise and I think it’s such a kind gesture, that will hopefully help us all through what is going to be a tough time. I am so very grateful to have an employer who has addressed this, and not just swept it under the carpet. The extra money will make a real difference to my family, my bills, and the fuel that I need to get me to and from my place of work”.

Jonathan Garton, Operations Director, said ‘Our amazing team is the most important aspect of our business. They do a fantastic job supporting our residents and we felt, as a family business, that taking this step will hopefully reduce any anxiety our teams may have about the upcoming winter months.’

Pictured left to right, Cath, Ang, Jan, Emma, Helen, Matthew, Nick, Rhiannan, Dawn and Sue, all employees from the Mere Hall Care Home in Hornsea.
Pictured are employees and residents from the Rawcliffe Manor Care Home in York.
Pictured Jackie from the Magdalen Park Care Home in Hedon “Thank you,” said the employees across the full Care Home group.
Pictured from left to right, are Bianca, Claire, Emma, Mandy, Hayley, Vicky, Linda, Kelly, Jill, Tracey, Maggie, Jo, and Linda, employees from the Lindsey Hall Care Home in Cleethorpes.
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