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Beverley Parklands

Hull FC launch new dementia charity jersey at Beverley Parklands

Inspire ‘24 making dreams a reality! As part of the 2024 Yorkare Homes company-wide initiative ‘Inspire 24’ we are helping to support residents to achieve things they didn’t think were possible. Dream it, Wish it, Do it.

Vicky, Our Activities and Events Lead at Beverley Parklands Care Home contacted Hull FC to see if they could help with making a dream a reality for one of our residents by inviting some of the players to the home, but they managed to do one better and launched their new charity shirt at the same time, making Jo the first person to receive it!

On July 2nd Brad Fash, Jordan Lane, and ex-player Lee Crooks visited the home and met lifelong supporter Jo, who living with dementia, and presented her with their Alzheimer’s Society jersey.

The new special edition charity shirt will be worn at their game against St Helens on Saturday 3rd August.

All shirts will be auctioned off and the proceeds will be donated to the Charity. Jo, her family, and the Care Team have also been invited to watch the charity match.

We cannot thank Hull FC – Official Facebook Page enough for making Jo’s wish come true!

Firefighters visit Sleaford Manor

Sleaford Manor Care Home enjoyed a visit from the wonderful local firefights from Sleaford Fire Station last week. Residents and staff had the opportunity to share stories with the fire fighters, reminiscing over warm drinks and cake before trying on their heavy protection gear and helmets and sitting in the drivers seat of the fire…

Timeless Treat with Betty’s Tearoom

THRIVE 25 is our company-wide initiative dedicated to supporting, encouraging, and making meaningful progress with our incredible residents. Residents are able to share their wishes & desires with our activity teams who then help to make them a reality Val and her husband used to visit Bettys every Saturday, where they’d share a warm drink…