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Summer Fun!

Magdalen Park recently held their first Summer Fayre, and it was a resounding success. The residents really enjoyed the afternoon and they raised £531.27 which will go into the residents fund to help pay for trips out and entertainment in. The Fayre was attended by residents, family members, staff and friends who enjoyed playing summer games…

Message from the Manager

Dear Families and Friends of Westfield Park, Well summer is coming to an end and the autumnal weather is upon us!  Time to dig out the winter clothes. We’ve had a great summer at Westfield Park, harvesting some great produce from our allotment, beans, beetroot and carrots. We have also enjoyed a number of great…

Prize Pet Show!

Article below written by the Haven Veterinary Group in Hedon about our recent Prize Pet Show at Magdalen Park. The residents had a great day meeting other members of our community and their pets! Thank you to everyone who helped out. Hedon Care Home’s Canine Celebration Aside from Britain’s worldwide reputations for courage in adversity, prowess…

Macmillan Fundraiser!

Staff at Westfield Park decided to have a fundraiser to raise money for Macmillan Nurses, who do a brilliant job supporting a number of our residents. The day was great fun with alot of families and residents getting involved in the games and stalls organised! There was a return from our old activity coordinator, Kevin, who sang some…

Winners – Best New Care Home in the UK!

Yorkare Homes are proud to announce that Magdalen Park Nursing Home, in Hedon, has collected the Pinders Healthcare Design Award, for best New Build Care Home in the UK for 2015. The team are delighted to have won this prestigious award as it sees the best Care Homes built that year, across the whole of…

Easter Fayre and Recent Activities

A great time was had by all at the recent Westfield Park Easter Fayre. Nearly £600 was raised in total for the residents fund, which is a fantastic effort! This will help fund more trips out and entertainers coming in for our residents. There were a number of games on the day, with Herb winning the competitive residents…

Westfield Winners!

Westfield Park Nursing Home staff have won the award for the best Service Sector Business of the Year in the Goole & Howdenshire Business Excellence Awards 2015. Congratulations to all the staff who have worked hard to make Westfield Park the award winning home it is! Staff and residents enjoyed a presentation in the Nursing Home lounge to show off…

Westfield Park Nominated for Local Awards!

Westfield Park Nursing Home has been nominated for an award in the Goole & Howdenshire Business Excellence Awards 2015. We have been nominated in the Service Sector Business of the Year category! We have been placed in the top three foir this category and ten Westfield Park employees will be heading to the awards ceremony to see if…

Christmas at Magdalen Park!

The residents enjoyed our first Christmas in their new home! There was a great atmosphere with alot of Christmas Dinners taking place in the Magdalen Arms. Unfortunately the week before Christmas the Christmas Fayre had to be cancelled and the 'Better Late Than Never Christmas Fayre!' was held on February 8th. A great time was had…