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CQC Reviews!

We are delighted to announce that after CQC carried out a review of Westfield Park and Magdalen Park, under the new inspection guidance, they have retained their Good and Outstanding ratings! 🌟 Jonathan Garton, Operations Director, said ‘What a fantastic achievement by the teams at Magdalen and Westfield, they have worked so hard to maintain…

Wedding Season at Westfield Park!

Due to Covid restrictions, our lovely resident Daphne, was unable to attend two of her grandchildren’s weddings So the lovely Westfield Park team surprised her by bringing the weddings to her! Daphne was delighted to see her grandchildren on their big days and the Home provided bubbles and cake to enjoy together. Granddaughter Cherry, and…

Our Chicks Have Hatched!

After gathering the thoughts and opinions of the wonderful residents at Tranby Park, the decision was made to take a leap into the world of chicken rearing! All the required equipment was purchased and soon enough we were up and running, with fertilised eggs provided from a very friendly local farmer. 20 days later we…

Fantastic Feedback!

We are pleased to announce we have had an overwhelmingly positive response to our 6 monthly surveys, which are completed by the residents, their families and the staff teams. The results show that 98% of the residents were happy with the measures taken by the company to protect them during the Coronavirus outbreak, that 95%…

Coronavirus Update – Trips Out!

Since April 12th we took the decision to get our residents back on the road, in our company minibus, and they have been visiting local landmarks and the lovely Yorkshire and Lincolnshire countryside ever since. Trips over the Humber Bridge, to Beverley Westwood and along the coast have been popular so far, especially when the…

Celebrating Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day is always a popular day in our Homes for all of our residents, and this year was no different! You may be thinking that surely its only popular for our ladies who have children, however that’s not true! Yes, the mothers in our care were spoiled with presents and family visits, but all…

Coronavirus Update – Visiting and Vaccines!

Residents across the Yorkare Homes group are delighted, as the roll out of the 2nd dose of the Coronavirus vaccine is well underway and family visiting has started! Recently a team from Bartholomew Medical Practice visited Westfield Park, our Home in Goole, to administer the 2nd dose of the vaccinations to both the residents and…

Beverley Parklands – Outstanding CQC Rating!

We are really pleased to announce that Beverley Parklands maintained its Outstanding rating, after their recent CQC inspection before Christmas. To receive an Outstanding, or even a Good rating, with the added anxiety and frequent change in guidance care teams have had to endure this last year, is a fantastic achievement and we are immensely…

Following in Sir Tom’s Footsteps!

Inspired by the wonderful Captain Sir Tom Moore, the residents and staff of Magdalen Park wanted to take on a similar challenge to raise some money and keep their spirits up at the current time. They are challenging themselves to walk 500,000 steps between the 4th of February and 28th February 2021. The money raised…

Our Very Own Healthcare Hero!

Robyn Cross, Registered Manager at Beverley Parklands Care Home, received a Healthcare Hero award as part of this year’s Knight Franks Luxury Care Home Guide Awards, due to her extraordinary commitment to her residents and team during the pandemic. Knight Frank, healthcare property specialists, complete a guide to luxury care homes each year, of which…