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Beverley Parklands

Busy Time at Beverley

Our residents have been busy at Beverley Parklands over the last couple of months, here are just some of highlights!

Royal Wedding

Our residents enjoyed celebrating the big occasion.  Residents, family and friends all gathered in the festively decorated lounge, to watch the event on the tv.

They were even lucky enough to receive a visit from the ‘Queen’!

Mocktail Mondays

As part of our Nutrition and Rehydration project we are hosting Mocktail Mondays.

This is proving to be very popular with our residents who are enjoying a variety of delicious well balanced Mocktails made freshly for them.

Cupcake Day

In support of the Alzheimer’s Society we held a cupcake day.

Staff, residents, family and friends enjoyed some very tasty cupcakes which had been donated by staff and family members. All proceeds from the day going to the Alzheimer’s Society.

Flower Arranging

Tesco in Beverley are being kind enough to donate any unsold / out of date flowers left over on a Wednesday to our Dementia Unit.

Some of our more artistic residents have been enjoying arranging the flowers and these displays are being used to decorate the lounge and resident’s rooms.  


As part of the make a wish we took two of our dementia residents to the orchestra at Hull City Hall.

They had a lovely evening and even the taxi ride stirred up nice memories.

Gardening Club

We have a wonderful volunteer helper named Denise who is helping the residents on the allotment with planting vegetables and flowers. To help with inspiration we had a trip out to a local Garden Centre.


Random Acts of Kindness Day 2025

Did you know that every year on February 17th it’s Random Acts of Kindness Day? This year across our homes we couldn’t be happier to celebrate it once again. We’ve shared kindness in so many ways – from heartfelt flowers and compliments to gifts for a local church that graciously provides regular services for our…

Valentines Day Across Our Homes

Love, laughter and a splash of red and pink filled our homes today as residents, staff, and families celebrated Valentine’s Day in the most wonderful ways! From beautiful decorations, sweet treats, and flower arranging to arts and crafts, entertainment, and Beverley Parklands Care Home even having their very own Queen of Hearts – the day…