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Forever Tigers – Celebrating the rich history of Hull City Football Club. 

Forever Tigers is a memorabilia and heritage project delivered collaboratively by the Tigers Trust and Hull City Football Club, aligning with the strategic objectives of the Trust to improve the health and wellbeing of people and inspiring the local community. 

The project celebrates the rich history of Hull City, with the Tigers Trust Arena being used a ‘heritage hub’ to display memorabilia and items of interest to the community, including an array of match day programmes and match worn shirts from years gone by. 

Across several of our homes we are fortunate to have the Tigers Trust visit regularly. Our residents enjoy learning about Hull City Football Club, sharing memories and memorabilia including a treasure trove of memorabilia including vintage programmes, flags, scarves, shirts, and other unique items that reflect the legacy of Hull City providing them with an opportunity to embark on a journey through the clubs captivating history. Residents of Tranby Park have also accepted an invitation to visit the MKM stadium for a tour, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Thank you to all those involved with the Forever Tigers – Our residents are really enjoying your visits.

Firefighters visit Sleaford Manor

Sleaford Manor Care Home enjoyed a visit from the wonderful local firefights from Sleaford Fire Station last week. Residents and staff had the opportunity to share stories with the fire fighters, reminiscing over warm drinks and cake before trying on their heavy protection gear and helmets and sitting in the drivers seat of the fire…

Timeless Treat with Betty’s Tearoom

THRIVE 25 is our company-wide initiative dedicated to supporting, encouraging, and making meaningful progress with our incredible residents. Residents are able to share their wishes & desires with our activity teams who then help to make them a reality Val and her husband used to visit Bettys every Saturday, where they’d share a warm drink…