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Celebrating Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day is always a popular day in our Homes for all of our residents, and this year was no different! You may be thinking that surely its only popular for our ladies who have children, however that’s not true! Yes, the mothers in our care were spoiled with presents and family visits, but all…

Coronavirus Update – Visiting and Vaccines!

Residents across the Yorkare Homes group are delighted, as the roll out of the 2nd dose of the Coronavirus vaccine is well underway and family visiting has started! Recently a team from Bartholomew Medical Practice visited Westfield Park, our Home in Goole, to administer the 2nd dose of the vaccinations to both the residents and…

Coronavirus Update and Vaccination rollout!

We are delighted to announce that all of our residents across the group have now received (if able to) their first vaccinations and first steps back to normality! We anxiously wait for the dates when the second dose will be available, and we are able to open up again to our much missed family and…

Celebrating Christmas and the New Year in Style!

After a tough year, with not a lot to celebrate, the teams across the Yorkare group decided they would make sure the residents got to celebrate Christmas and the start of the New Year in style! All the Homes activity teams came together to share ideas and created a fun-filled, varied and safe festive activity…

Reconnecting Families

Our visiting rooms have continued to be a fantastic boost for both our residents and families over this last week, and have gained the nations attention with coverage on the BBC, Sky News, Daily Mirror and Daily Express. One of the visits included Richard and his daughter Isla visiting his grandmother Jean at Beverley Parklands.…

Residents Musical Treats

The residents and staff at Lindsey Hall have been treated to some musical performances recently, which have really helped maintain the high spirits at the Home. Catherine, a local musician, has kindly come and played her saxophone to the residents at Lindsey Hall at a safe distance in the gardens, taking it in turns to…

Coronavirus Update

We continue to be impressed with how fantastic our teams, across the group, have handled the Coronavirus outbreak. They have remained vigilant in sticking to our strict safety guidance, whilst providing the highest quality of care. Here is a snippet of the work we have been doing to protect our residents and staff. New Government…

Finalist at the Knight Frank Care Home Awards!

We are pleased to announce Lindsey Hall was a finalist for a care home design award at the Knight Frank Healthcare & Senior Living Awards last night in London. Knight Frank are a leading healthcare consultancy firm and had been to judge the Home back in August. Laurence Garton, Development Director, attended the awards and…

Guest Speakers

Over the past few weeks we have had various guest speakers come to Lindsey Hall. We have had the Red Arrows and RNLI speakers attending so far. The resident’s all gather around to listen to what they have to say they find it really interesting and always look forward to these visits. The next speakers…

Birthday Celebratations

One of our lady residents celebrated her 90th birthday on Sunday, her friends had arranged a surprise party for her in our street scene and invited all of the residents to come along and join in. We made sure all the street was decorated with banners and balloons and made a head table for her and…