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Beverley treasure

Beverley parklands are piloting a scheme from Beverley treasure house to introduce reminiscing objects of interest, this week we had royal memorabilia, we had the box for a couple of days so we could include all residents.  Objects included king George vi trinket box that was over 80 years old and books, newspapers, photos & mugs from…

Boccia regional finals

The residents at Westfield Park along with residents from other care homes in the area had been invited to compete in the Boccia regionals at Goole Leisure centre. Everyone enjoyed taking part in this event and also having the opportunity to socialise with other competitors made the afternoon enjoyable. Our residents were extremely good at Boccia as…

Event’s at Westfield

Recently we have had a couple of performances from different acts for our resident's to enjoy, and enjoy they did!  Saltmarsh Duo  We were able to enjoy a performance from a local company called The Saltmarshe Duo. This male and female duo sang songs from all eras with some opera too! The lady played the organ…

Outings at Westfield

Over the past couple of months here at Westfield Park there have been alsorts of outings such as Goole waterways museum Goole waterways was our destination for our August outing We had a wonderful time at the water ways which included a boat trip and refreshments. Residents enjoyed a trip along the canal on the boat to…

Christmas at Westfield 2018

It has been a busy festive period for us all at Westfield Park with outside entertainment coming into the home to perform for us and also various trips out. We had our Nurse Sue Buckby and the choir that she sings with start off the festive season with Carols and mince pies around the Christmas tree on…

Christmas 2018

Christmas was enjoyed by all at Lindsey Hall especially when we had an afternoon with the Bell Ringers. Residents and their families came along to watch, as you can see by the photos, we had a good turnout for this and everyone got into the festive spirit! On Christmas Eve we invited all family and friends to…

He’s behind you!

Beverley Parklands’ panto took place on Sunday evening which was performed by the staff for the residents. A lot of effort went into this performance and it clearly paid off! Everyone who took part and watched had a fantastic time. The panto was followed by a cheese and wine night which was once again thoroughly…

Events at Beverley Parklands

Gentleman’s club Our residents are really enjoying gentleman’s club and so far have made model spitfire and played with Scalextric car racing. We have golf coming up soon and also going out for a pub crawl in January! Ballet  Miss Rachels school of dance have once again entertained us, the children ballet dancing was greatly received by residents. Christmas…

Festive Fun!

Merry Christmas from everyone at Beverley Parklands! We have had a very busy festive period already. We held a Christmas poetry session with Ann Smith, our volunteer, who stepped up the festivities arriving dressed up as Rudolf! Residents enjoyed listening to poems whilst sipping on a mocktail or two. School children aged 4/5 years old…

Christmas Fayre 2018

On 2nd December residents from Lindsay Hall all got in the festive spirit and had lots of seasonal fun at our Christmas Fayre, raising money for their residents’ fund. The day was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. There were lots of different stalls such as a tombola, Bric a Brac, chocolate board, Christmas Crafts, raffle and…