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St Patrick’s Day

Top O’ The morning to ya, it’s March 17th or better known as… St Patricks Day!! Here at Westfield, in true tradition we held a Party in our very own bar to celebrate the day. Residents enjoyed beer tasting and nibbles, before getting involved in an Irish themed quiz. But we couldn’t have a St…

Guest Speakers

Over the past few weeks we have had various guest speakers come to Lindsey Hall. We have had the Red Arrows and RNLI speakers attending so far. The resident’s all gather around to listen to what they have to say they find it really interesting and always look forward to these visits. The next speakers…

Great Yorkshire Bake Off

As the challenges continue to be set by head office, our Westfield Park residents extend their winning streak! This time we saw residents rolling up their sleeves and putting on their pinnies for the "Great Yorkshire bake off!" So many delicious cakes were made from brownies to an Easter cake! This was really enjoyed by the…

Poetry challenge

Over the course of 2019 all of our homes have been set a series of challenges to complete, one of which involved a poetry competition. We asked our residents to write a Valentine’s Day poem to enter the challenge and it turns out we have some talented poets across the homes as we received some wonderful…

Beverley Treasure House

We had our second box from Beverley Treasure House containing fossils from the coastal shore lines of Scarborough and Whitby which we incorporated into our recent coffee morning. The residents found this very interesting and had magnifying glasses to take a closer look. We even had a mammoth's tooth which was over 500 million years old! This is proving a popular activity…

Birthday Celebratations

One of our lady residents celebrated her 90th birthday on Sunday, her friends had arranged a surprise party for her in our street scene and invited all of the residents to come along and join in. We made sure all the street was decorated with banners and balloons and made a head table for her and…

Beverley treasure

Beverley parklands are piloting a scheme from Beverley treasure house to introduce reminiscing objects of interest, this week we had royal memorabilia, we had the box for a couple of days so we could include all residents.  Objects included king George vi trinket box that was over 80 years old and books, newspapers, photos & mugs from…

Boccia regional finals

The residents at Westfield Park along with residents from other care homes in the area had been invited to compete in the Boccia regionals at Goole Leisure centre. Everyone enjoyed taking part in this event and also having the opportunity to socialise with other competitors made the afternoon enjoyable. Our residents were extremely good at Boccia as…

Event’s at Westfield

Recently we have had a couple of performances from different acts for our resident's to enjoy, and enjoy they did!  Saltmarsh Duo  We were able to enjoy a performance from a local company called The Saltmarshe Duo. This male and female duo sang songs from all eras with some opera too! The lady played the organ…

Outings at Westfield

Over the past couple of months here at Westfield Park there have been alsorts of outings such as Goole waterways museum Goole waterways was our destination for our August outing We had a wonderful time at the water ways which included a boat trip and refreshments. Residents enjoyed a trip along the canal on the boat to…