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Summer Fayre

On the 11th August, everyone at Beverley Parklands had a lovely day at the annual Summer Fair. The sun was shining and it was a great opportunity to catch up with family and friends. We had stalls selling cakes, crafts and jewellery and games, including hook-a-duck. The crowd favourite was the ‘soak the staff in…

Arts and Crafts with NCS

On 30th July, we enjoyed a visit from some young adults of the National Citizen Service. NCS is a voluntary organisation who do great work in the community. They spent an arts and crafts afternoon with our residents, painting pictures and even giving manicures to some of our residents! We then had some afternoon tea…

Flower Festival Visit

On 9th August, Maz took some residents to the Flower Festival at St Mary’s Church in Beverley. The arrangements were in aid of SSAFA, and acted as pieces of remembrance for the armed forces in conflict. It was a trip down memory lane for our residents and proved to be a very moving afternoon, with…

Recent Activities at Beverley

We have had a very busy time recently at Beverley Parklands, with lots of visits, events and activities to keep everyone entertained! Our residents have been enjoying their usual activities around the home, such as Cheese and Cracker afternoons, performances from local singers and visits from Pulse training, who do some different exercises with our…

Mobi has arrived!

Mobi has arrived! We raised enough money to purchase “Mobi the magic table” It has arrived and is not only pleasing the Dementia unit but all our residents and staff alike. We even had a visit from the Old School House home in Beverley to see it  in action and they were so impressed that they also want one…

Busy Time at Beverley

Our residents have been busy at Beverley Parklands over the last couple of months, here are just some of highlights! Royal Wedding Our residents enjoyed celebrating the big occasion.  Residents, family and friends all gathered in the festively decorated lounge, to watch the event on the tv. They were even lucky enough to receive a…

Spring at Beverley Parklands

At the end of April as part of our Make A Wish project we took one of our residents for a tour of the local cinema, going behind the scenes to look at how things are done today as opposed to how it was done in the 1950's when he worked as a Projectionist at…

Busy @ Beverley

We have had a very busy couple of months, from tea parties to sky diving, we've kept our resident’s busy here at Beverley Parklands.  February kick started with a visit to Hull Collegiate School, who’s Year 4’s hosted a fabulous afternoon tea dance for our residents. The School are currently working on the United Learning…

Hopping into 2018…

New Year, new residents…. Meet our latest arrivals!! A house is not a home without a pet (or two..) and seeing as having some little friends has proved to be a success in our other homes, we welcome Rusty and Jumper to Beverley Parklands. Two lovely little rabbits, named very fairly by holding a competition with our…

Best New Care Home in the UK 2018 Nomination!

We're delighted to announce that Beverley Parklands has been nominated for the Best New Build Care Home in the UK, 2018, at this year’s prestigious Pinders Healthcare Design Awards. Laurence Garton, Development Director, said "It's great to see our ideas developed and the Residents enjoying their new home. We look forward to our third outing at…