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Coronavirus Update – Visiting and Vaccines!

Residents across the Yorkare Homes group are delighted, as the roll out of the 2nd dose of the Coronavirus vaccine is well underway and family visiting has started! Recently a team from Bartholomew Medical Practice visited Westfield Park, our Home in Goole, to administer the 2nd dose of the vaccinations to both the residents and…

Coronavirus Update and Vaccination rollout!

We are delighted to announce that all of our residents across the group have now received (if able to) their first vaccinations and first steps back to normality! We anxiously wait for the dates when the second dose will be available, and we are able to open up again to our much missed family and…

Celebrating Christmas and the New Year in Style!

After a tough year, with not a lot to celebrate, the teams across the Yorkare group decided they would make sure the residents got to celebrate Christmas and the start of the New Year in style! All the Homes activity teams came together to share ideas and created a fun-filled, varied and safe festive activity…

Family Visiting Rooms

We are creating safe visiting rooms for our residents to be able to enjoy visits again from their loved ones during the Coronavirus Outbreak. A ground floor bedroom at each Home will be split into two rooms with an airtight Perspex divide, intercom system, and an external door out to the car park. Jonathan Garton,…

Coronavirus Update

We continue to be impressed with how fantastic our teams, across the group, have handled the Coronavirus outbreak. They have remained vigilant in sticking to our strict safety guidance, whilst providing the highest quality of care. Here is a snippet of the work we have been doing to protect our residents and staff. New Government…

Birthday Celebrations

Residents and family members at Westfield Park Haven enjoyed a fantastic afternoon of music to celebrate the lovely Betty’s birthday. The tables in front of the Westfield Tea Room were moved to the side to create room for the fantastic After Hours Trio, and they soon had the residents and care team dancing with some…

Fancy Dress Parties for Halloween!

Across the group, for Challenge 19, staff and residents held fancy dress parties for Halloween! A great effort was made by all of the Homes, with many friends and family joining in the fun. Each Home held an internal best dressed competition and entered the winning outfit to Head Office to choose an overall winner.…

Challenge 19

For Yorkare Homes, 2019 is the Year of Challenges! Staff, Residents and families have been setting themselves tasks and having all sorts of fun! One of our residents, John Price, is completing a 1-mile sponsored swim for his personal ‘Challenge 19’. At 93 years old, John has spent years in the water and even taught…

We’re 10!

Our 10th Birthday, what a milestone! So, to celebrate we had not just one, but TWO parties. The Haven unit went first, on the 27th March followed by the Nursing unit on the 28th. For both days our good friend Kevin Howard came in to entertain us with his fabulous singing and got a crowd…

St Patrick’s Day

Top O’ The morning to ya, it’s March 17th or better known as… St Patricks Day!! Here at Westfield, in true tradition we held a Party in our very own bar to celebrate the day. Residents enjoyed beer tasting and nibbles, before getting involved in an Irish themed quiz. But we couldn’t have a St…