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Latest News

Find out more about life at Yorkare Homes by reading the latest news from across the group. If you wish to search for news from a particular home please select that home from the drop down menu below.

Arts and Crafts with NCS

On 30th July, we enjoyed a visit from some young adults of the National Citizen Service. NCS is a voluntary organisation who do great work in the community. They spent an arts and crafts afternoon with our residents, painting pictures and even giving manicures to some of our residents! We then had some afternoon tea…

Flower Festival Visit

On 9th August, Maz took some residents to the Flower Festival at St Mary’s Church in Beverley. The arrangements were in aid of SSAFA, and acted as pieces of remembrance for the armed forces in conflict. It was a trip down memory lane for our residents and proved to be a very moving afternoon, with…

Recent Activities at Beverley

We have had a very busy time recently at Beverley Parklands, with lots of visits, events and activities to keep everyone entertained! Our residents have been enjoying their usual activities around the home, such as Cheese and Cracker afternoons, performances from local singers and visits from Pulse training, who do some different exercises with our…

Summer Fair

On August 25th, staff and residents at Westfield Park held their annual Summer Fair to fundraise for the resident's fund.  The day was thoroughly enjoyed by all and included entertainment from singer Chas Thornton, who serenaded guests with popular songs. The fire brigade came along to show off their engines, there was a BBQ, Hook-a-Duck, games…

Summer Afternoon Tea Party

On 18th August, residents at Lindsey hall decided to hold a Summer Afternoon Tea Party, to celebrate all of the recent warm weather. Friends and family came, so it was a great time to catch up, and there were plenty of nibbles, teas and cakes for all. There was also singer Sonny as entertainment, who encouraged…

Trip to Jungle Zoo

On the 2nd July, some of our Haven North residents enjoyed a wonderful day out at the Jungle Zoo in Cleethorpes. Our residents met many different animals, including meerkats, monkeys, reptiles and parrots, and some even posed for photos, seen below! We then visited the Discovery Centre, which is nestled in the beautiful scenery of the boating…

Hedon Community Events

Recently, staff and residents at Magdalen have enjoyed taking part in community events in the area. These have included Open Gardens, the Scarecrow Competition, Hedfest and Roos Summer Show.  Open Gardens and Scarecrow Competition We enjoy inviting visitors into our home and Hedon Open Gardens is a perfect opportunity for this. We welcomed the visitors, showed them around our beautiful gardens…

Summer Fair

On 21st July 2018, residents at Lindsey Hall gathered for the Summer Fair. Everyone had a fabulous day and thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment and the chance to catch up with friends and family. We had karaoke entertainment, a pre-loved sale, many cake, craft and jewellery stalls, a raffle and even a chance to 'Soak the Manager in…

Goole Academy Band

Goole Academy Band Visit On Friday 13th July we were able to enjoy a performance from students at Goole Academy, accompanied by their teacher Miss Gage. As part of their Music coursework the students had put together a band and had been practising their songs since March ready for their first performance in front of…

Sports Day

Magdalen Park held their annual sports day recently. In the morning a special sports event was held for our very own playgroup, the play group runs every Wednesday morning 10.30am until 11.30am and everyone is welcome. The children took part in a variety of traditional races which included the Egg and Spoon Race, Running and…