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Great Yorkshire Bake Off

As the challenges continue to be set by head office, our Westfield Park residents extend their winning streak! This time we saw residents rolling up their sleeves and putting on their pinnies for the "Great Yorkshire bake off!" So many delicious cakes were made from brownies to an Easter cake! This was really enjoyed by the…

Poetry challenge

Over the course of 2019 all of our homes have been set a series of challenges to complete, one of which involved a poetry competition. We asked our residents to write a Valentine’s Day poem to enter the challenge and it turns out we have some talented poets across the homes as we received some wonderful…

Boccia regional finals

The residents at Westfield Park along with residents from other care homes in the area had been invited to compete in the Boccia regionals at Goole Leisure centre. Everyone enjoyed taking part in this event and also having the opportunity to socialise with other competitors made the afternoon enjoyable. Our residents were extremely good at Boccia as…

Event’s at Westfield

Recently we have had a couple of performances from different acts for our resident's to enjoy, and enjoy they did!  Saltmarsh Duo  We were able to enjoy a performance from a local company called The Saltmarshe Duo. This male and female duo sang songs from all eras with some opera too! The lady played the organ…

Outings at Westfield

Over the past couple of months here at Westfield Park there have been alsorts of outings such as Goole waterways museum Goole waterways was our destination for our August outing We had a wonderful time at the water ways which included a boat trip and refreshments. Residents enjoyed a trip along the canal on the boat to…

Christmas at Westfield 2018

It has been a busy festive period for us all at Westfield Park with outside entertainment coming into the home to perform for us and also various trips out. We had our Nurse Sue Buckby and the choir that she sings with start off the festive season with Carols and mince pies around the Christmas tree on…

Summer Fair

On August 25th, staff and residents at Westfield Park held their annual Summer Fair to fundraise for the resident's fund.  The day was thoroughly enjoyed by all and included entertainment from singer Chas Thornton, who serenaded guests with popular songs. The fire brigade came along to show off their engines, there was a BBQ, Hook-a-Duck, games…

Goole Academy Band

Goole Academy Band Visit On Friday 13th July we were able to enjoy a performance from students at Goole Academy, accompanied by their teacher Miss Gage. As part of their Music coursework the students had put together a band and had been practising their songs since March ready for their first performance in front of…

Marie’s 102nd Birthday

On Friday 6th July,  we held a surprise party for Marie in the nursing lounge,  to celebrate her 102nd Birthday! In the past, Marie had mentioned that she enjoyed a singer called Mac, when he had visited the home. We arranged for him to come and put on a special birthday performance for her and the other residents. The lounge…

Busy @ Westfield

It’s been a busy couple of months a Westfield Park. Hull Transport and Strretlife Museum In April our residents enjoyed an outing by bus to Hull to visit the Transport and Streetlife museum where they enjoyed the sights, sounds and smells of the past. They were able to experience 200 years of transport history and…